We are in fact the very first office in Canada to have received the Eco Gold Certification. You can read about it here on our Eco Gold certification page or learn more about how we are centred on you with other initiatives here.
Everyday is Earth Day at Walt Orthodontics.
Walt Orthodontics remains deeply committed to being green. We make every effort to ensure our practice has minimal to zero impact on the surrounding environment and that’s very important too given our office is situated on the Oak Ridges Morraine. Our respect for our surroundings didn’t end with the construction of Walt Orthodontics. We have instituted several policies that minimize our daily environmental footprint. Here are just a few things we do in our day-to-day operations:
- Digital charting and radiography
- Electronic patient communication
- When paper must be used, it is Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified
- Steam (autoclave) sterilization – no chemical based “cold sterilization”
- Drinking water is dispensed from a Brita® Hydration Station® as opposed to bottled water
- Distilled water for sterilization is produced in-house with our own water distiller instead of buying bottled distilled water
- Medical-grade cloth pouches are used to wrap our treatment cassettes instead of paper wraps
From all of us at Walt Orthodontics, Happy Earth Day!