Common Orthodontic Issues

Abnormal Eruption

Abnormal eruption is when a tooth emerges through the gum in the wrong place. This is often caused by abnormal timing of when primary teeth come out (too late), and permanent teeth come in (too early).

This problem could lead to:

  • Upper and lower teeth that do not line up (malocclusion)
  • Crowded or crooked teeth
  • Constant pain or pressure, including sensitivity to hot and cold foods

Crossbite (Back Teeth)

A crossbite in the back teeth usually results from a constricted upper jaw or unusually wide lower jaw. A narrow upper jaw will often force a patient to move their lower jaw forward or to the side when closing into a stable bite. When in this position, the lower teeth are located outside the upper teeth.

This problem could lead to:

  • An incorrect position for the lower jaw
  • Accompanying facial asymmetry
  • Uneven wear of teeth

Crossbite (Front Teeth)

Crossbite in the front teeth occurs when a top tooth (or teeth) improperly bite behind the bottom teeth instead of in front. Crossbite is often hereditary, however it can also be caused by delayed tooth eruption or abnormally erupted teeth.

This problem could lead to:

  • Speech impediments
  • Uneven tooth wear and jaw growth
  • Loosening of teeth from damaging the surrounding bone and gum tissue


Crowding of the teeth is one of the most common issues associated with the need for orthodontic care. Although many factors contribute to crowding, the problem is usually a discrepancy between space available in each jaw as well as the size of the teeth.

This problem could lead to:

  • An esthetically unpleasing smile
  • Poor alignment of teeth
  • Periodontal problems
  • An increased risk of dental decay due to difficulty maintaining proper oral hygiene (difficulty flossing, food getting stuck…etc.)

Open Bite

An open bite is a type of malocclusion, when the upper and lower front teeth are not able to make physical contact with each other when the jaws are closed. Open bite is most commonly caused by persistent habits such as thumb sucking or a tongue thrust. Early assessment and intervention are critical to success.

This problem could lead to:

  • Increased wear on posterior teeth
  • Dysfunctional chewing
  • Trauma where the teeth of the lower jaw meet with the corresponding teeth of the upper jaw

Overbite (Deep Bite)

Excessive vertical overlap of incisor teeth, called “overbite,” is generally found in association with a discrepancy between the length of the upper and lower jaws (when the upper jaw overlaps the lower jaw). A slight overbite of one or two millimeters is quite common, but a deep overbite occurs when the overlap between the upper and lower teeth is more pronounced.

This problem could lead to:

  • Excessive eruption of either the upper and lower incisors or both
  • Excessive display of gum tissue
  • Lip protrusion or entrapment
  • Biting the roof of the mouth

Overjet (Protrusion)

Overjet is the distance the upper front teeth protrude in front of the lower front teeth. Excessive overjet can be caused by thumb or finger habits, deficient growth of the lower jaw, improper tooth inclination or differences in the length of the upper and lower arches.

The problem could lead to:

  • Low self-esteem and social insecurities
  • Issues with biting and chewing
  • Trauma to the upper front teeth
  • Premature wear of the back teeth
  • Reduced airway space


Spaces between teeth are another common problem associated with the need for orthodontic care. Like crowding, spacing may be related to a tooth-to-jaw size disharmony. Gum tissue attachments called “frenum” or “frenulum” are also a common cause of spacing between the front teeth.

This problem could lead to:

  • Atypical or unusually narrow teeth
  • Missing teeth
  • Impacted teeth


An underbite is a condition in which the lower jaw and teeth protrude or extend forward and in front of the upper jaw. Underbites can be caused by several factors including genetics, abnormalities in the upper and lower jaw, and abnormalities in the upper and lower tooth positions.

This problem could lead to:

  • Jaw and joint pain
  • Increased wear and tear on enamel
  • Difficulty biting into certain foods
  • Changes in the structure and appearance of the face
  • Interference of speech
  • Abnormal alignment of the teeth

Ready for some


If you have been wanting your bespoke, dream smile, our team at Walt Orthodontics is happy to help you achieve that. Book your complimentary consultation!