Jaw Surgery



Teeth are situated inside the upper and lower jawbones. During development, the jaws grow somewhat independently of one another. If the growth between the two jaws is somewhat harmonious, it is fairly routine for the orthodontist to align the teeth while achieving a good bite. However, if there is too much or not enough jaw growth in any particular direction, the attainment of a healthy bite is much more challenging.

Orthodontic treatment during one’s growth spurt can help mitigate a mild-moderate jaw discrepancy but there are biologic limits to how far teeth can be moved before it becomes unhealthy. Therefore, in cases with significant jaw discrepancies without much growth potential, an orthodontics-only treatment approach is not the appropriate solution to get an ideal result.



When the discrepancy between the upper and lower jaws is very significant we often recommend that our patients have a surgical procedure done in conjunction with their orthodontic treatment. The technical name for the surgery is called orthognathic surgery and it includes several different procedures. The jaw surgery is performed by another dental specialist called an oral and maxillofacial surgeon.


1. Faster Treatment Time

Oftentimes fixing the bite in one shot with a 2-hour surgery can result in a faster treatment compared to a non-surgical approach where an appliance is used for years instead.

2. Esthetic Facial Profile

When the jaws are in the right position, the facial profile is usually more balanced and natural-looking.

3. Stable Long Term Result

Because the teeth have not been moved to positions they do not normally occupy or they are moved into a new position where they should have always been, the results tend to be stable in the long term.

4. Healthy Bite

Because the jaws have been moved to their correct position, the teeth are consequently moved to favourable positions which allow for the attainment of a functional bite.

5. Improved Airway

When the jaws are moved forward or made larger, the airway is often improved which allows for better sleep. Some people who have been diagnosed with sleep apnea undergo jaw surgery to help alleviate their symptoms.